I got this email this morning and I just had to share it.
To give a bit of a background of the situation, they booked around this time last year. Due to COVID, she decided to postpone the shoot. I was a bit bummed, because
1. She is a VP at a company that I admire. I really wanted to the opportunity to impress her.
2. I wanted to prove to myself that the quality of headshots that I provide can really make a difference in someone.
I reached out to them recently and we got them rescheduled. Took the photos and delivered this week. I then wake up to this great email.
"Hi Dominick,
Again, thank you for the photos.
I am not very active on social media, but I do have a lot of connections, so hopefully my recommendation will help.
Honestly, I am an introverted supporting leader (as are a lot of HR folks) but I wanted to give you a little back story that might help you appreciate how much what you do is powerful.
I am much more comfortable on the other end of the camera.
I have chronicled many of our organization's moments and our People's celebrations, promotions, and all the good stuff in HR. The moments that matter in their career, whether they stay with us or go on to amazing new things. I understand the value in celebrating these moments in personal and professional growth.
Last year was tragic for a lot of people. My husband of 26 years was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and passed away 2 1/2 months later. Covid made this so much more difficult. I lost the love of my life while the world was falling apart with a pandemic. When you lose your life love, you also lose your identity.
I have been putting off my photo shoot (as you know) because I have been struggling with grief and everything that comes with it. But, I have to say, as much as I despise having my picture taken (and most pictures of me) it was so nice to go through this process and reclaim my self-image.
I know you had no idea what I have been going through, and it doesn't really matter, except that I know you captured who I really am in these photos. My favorite one (that I wouldn't post professionally) is the goofy grinning, side-eyed picture. THAT is who I am, and you got it.. My brother-in-law said when he saw that picture, "I absolutely, completely love that picture. Perfection. I think it's awesome. Like, everything just might be a total thunderstorm, but let's get our umbrellas and fix this. You are a superhero." (the superhero thing is high praise from him).
Anyway, you helped me regain my self-image. And that's a big f-ing deal. So, thank you and excuse the expletive, but I really appreciate what you do, and want you to know it makes a difference. Really.
Thanks again, "