Tips to Obtaining the Best Headshot:
* Solid, vibrant, and middle tone colors. Believe it or not, white shirts look fine on white backdrops and black shirts look fine as well on black backdrops.
* The clothing should be simple; no stripes or patterns. You want to avoid distractions, remember the headshots purpose is to showcase the person not the clothing.
*Dark long sleeves produce the best dramatic headshot.
* Textures can work but no patterns. Do not wear stripes or any other patterns.
* If you have blue eyes a blue shirt will bring out the color of your eyes, green eyes a green shirt, etc. It may seem like a minor detail but every bit counts.
*For corporate/professional shots, bring a few dress shirts (white, light blue, yellow etc.) and a few ties, all freshly pressed. I will be honest, in the last few years, I have seen less and less ties. So if you are asking my personal opinion, if you wear ties in your work life, wear them, if not, keep it at home. If you do wear a tie, make sure that you do button up the tie all the way and that the neck tie reaches the top.
*Shave right before appointment, unless you are going for a scruffy look.
*If you color your hair, make sure roots are not visible. It is extremely difficult and cost-prohibitive to correct.
*Earrings and uni-brows are not recommended.
*Make-up artist usually not recommended.
*For corporate/professional shots, bring solid color middle tone or dark pantsuit/skirt and a few long sleeve shirts (light color) that work under the jacket, all freshly pressed.
*If you color your hair, make sure roots are not visible. It is extremely difficult and cost-prohibitive to correct.
*Remove any unwanted facial hair.
*If you wear earrings, simple studs are recommended.
*Make-up and hair stylist recommended. Referrals available.
*Solid vibrant, middle tone/true colors recommended. No patterns or logos.
*Short or long sleeve Tee shirts, Polo shirts, Denim shirts with a Tee under.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out!